The ADHD Brain

Kasia Runté

Artwork part of ‘Colour’ (Issue 16)

The Science

The image is based on the MRIs of a brain with ADHD. The tree image is what came to mind when I was diagnosed with ADHD; a positive symbol of how to grow and strengthen the trunk of my brain, and the way that I can reach up and up to attain a goal. It also refers to the brain’s layering of information that can be described as similar to tree ring data. The bright colours chosen are part of red/green colour perception that are allegedly easier for ADHDers to see than blue/yellow.,)%2C%20but%20findings%20are%20inconsistent.

The Theme

The brain represented as a bright, but blurry, tree; I have chosen pink to highlight the section of the brain that lights up with ADHD, green to show the rest of the brain that is also shaped like a tree canopy, and brown for the earthing of a trunk, a plant stem, and our spinal cord. These colours also represent the way that ADHD can help my imagination and creativity bloom like flowers in spring.

The Artist

Kasia is in her first year at the University of Lethbridge and is enjoying attending classes after the isolation of doing high school from home through most of Covid. She produces most of her art like this one, using an iPad with Procreate, because she has issues with her hands that make it difficult to hold a paint brush or sculpt. Kasia works quickly because even with digital art the pain in her hands limits her to an hour, or 90 minutes, most days - and she loves that she can work in layers and undo mistakes.

Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license


Pop Cones


Taking the Temperature