
Roland Eichinger & Paul Hintermeier

Art Cover of Consilience Issue 4

The Concept

Failure is ubiquitous for humans, for the individual in everyday life as well as for humanity as a whole. But every fail implicates a chance, something positive that can emerge out of it. In our piece, we depict a number of smaller or bigger failures of human kind that, sooner or later, can also comprise the basis for success. The latter is represented by the Nobel Prize medal, one of the ultimate symbols for success in science. The fails funnel into Mr. Nobel's head, however, the only real failure is to give up trying.

The Artists

Paul Hintermeier and Roland Eichinger have been friends since their youth, when they shared a lot of time skateboarding, beer drinking and making music. Paul is a graphic designer and illustrator who has worked mainly as apparel designer over the last years, but always loves to try new stuff. Roland is an atmospheric physicist who mostly performs and analyses climate model simulations. For this issue's consilience cover art, Paul and Roland teamed up again to bring their two professions together, thereby, in the spirit of Consilience, merging arts and science. You can follow Paul's designs and artworks on Instagram @iareugly12.

Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license


Francio (Fr,87)


Brilliant Mind