
Gianluigi Marsibilio

Words, speech, deepen, 
Breaking through the metaphor barrier.
Unadventurous lexical choice
The gaze of inquiry.
Connections and exchanges oppose each other, 
Attract each other, pine for each other,
In the search for 
Instinctive vision.

The Science

This poem is based on the experience, beauty, effort, and the struggle to communicate science in a clear, essential way. The idea of a communicator as a node is woven through metaphors, concepts, research, elements, and stories. The science communicator is an obscure and curious figure, an eternal Don Quixote who fights not with windmills, but with words, connections, and multidisciplinarity.

The Poet

Gianluigi Marsibilio (he/him), lives and works in Italy. He is a PhD student in communication at the Università Pontificia Salesiana in Rome. He has been involved and passionate about science communication for years, curating the Italian science podcast,  Co.Scienza, and works as a social media editor.

Next poem: Cooperation by Alan Wagstaff