Editorial - Structure

Hello Dear Reader, and welcome to Issue 14 of Consilience, where we explore the theme of 'Structure' through poetry and art.

Structure is all around us–both natural and human-made. From the spiral arms of galaxies to the fractal patterns in a fern, the natural world is filled with structures that both inspire and intrigue. Human-made structures also permeate our lives, from the architecture of our homes to the infrastructure of our cities.

In this issue, our contributors reflect on the many meanings and manifestations of structure. The poems and artwork contemplate everything from the structure of cells and DNA that comprise all living things, to the structure of poems themselves. Readers will find pieces that admire the engineered beauty of human creation, as well as ones that marvel at the intricate structure of the early Universe.

Some works highlight how structures can provide comfort through their stability, while others touch on how structures sometimes need to be reimagined or rebuilt when they no longer suit their purpose. Many reflect on the human desire to bring order through structural creation, even as the universe tends towards entropy.

As you make your way through the issue, we encourage you to think about the structures in your own life. How do the buildings you inhabit shape your daily experience? What kinds of structures guide your personal relationships? What invisible social structures influence the world around you? How might we build structures that better serve humanity and our planet?

We hope this issue inspires you to appreciate the structures that surround you, both seen and unseen. May the intricate intersections of science and poetry within provide insight into the foundations that underpin our lives and world. Thank you for joining us on this exploration.

Happy reading!

The Consilience Team