Fraud Scheme

Akul Anandur

A V once asked me to invest; invest in his product,
A product that was never his, but a result of his investment.
I was asked to pay some amount, and continue the chain of sale -
“Your money will double. Trust me, it’ll be a smooth sail...”

It seems so farcical, doesn’t it?
Doubling something in a short period!
How would anything multiply integrally, and last?
It’s unnatural, it’s a bluff.
Irrespective of V’s denial, I stood for
My beliefs and theorems, and I’m glad I did.
I’m glad I said “No”...

Why should anything be too good to be true?
While Truth is a paradox in itself,
And Good is a subjective apparition of our mind...
The instincts in us yearn to spot the predator
Under an apparent camouflage!
An angel in disguise camouflages.
A Samaritan in participation camouflages.
A scapegoat on the run camouflages.
A prey, as we label ourselves, always suspect the perfection -
Only because, we are adapted to imperfections!
Someone offers me an opportunity
To double the money I have, and I feel it’s unnatural!

Well, hello, I ecologist!
What I know and know not of natural and unnatural?
For my know is confined to my and mine’s experiences.
A single cell doubles itself, and henceforth,
To form a billion celled creature: I.
It is that I which calls doubling Unnatural,
While I cultivate food, eat, and grow.
The knowledge I have, none, negotiates with
The numerous Idiosyncrasies of Nature,
Negating notions of some Natural ones,
By calling them Unnatural!
The belief I have over my know
Paralyzes me from knowing more;
Blinds me from detecting a genuine
Fraud Scheme.

V’s business turned fraudulent, as the law declared -
“Doubling the money is unnatural.”
Well, Hello, you ecologist!

The Science

There has always been a scientific/logical explanation as to why a multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme is considered a fraud. Considering the Bernoulli problem of Compound Interest, an incremental scheme would always converge and not diverge. However, this non-divergence fails with natural events such as mitosis (process where a single cell divides into two identical cells). Hence, there is a bias in the underlying pattern with which the Universe functions.

The Poet

Akul Anandur is a full-fledged human being living in Pune, India. He seems to have a lot of free time, which he utilises in writing poems, composing music, performing improv/theatre, working in corporate, etc. He's passionate about theoretical physics and mathematics, and he tries to imbibe those concepts while writing about pigeons, stones, and pipes. His poems can be found on his blog, (apparently, he was a little too late to register a decent domain).

Next poem: Genetic Gravel by Meg Freer