Network Structure

Andrea Diaz

Artwork part of ‘Structure’ (Issue 14)

The Artist

Andrea Diaz is a researcher in transport and energy economics, currently working at the European Commission Joint Research Centre. In recent years she has been exploring the evolution of energy systems through the lenses of complex system analysis, focusing on the structural transformation of energy systems as they move towards decarbonisation. Beyond her scientific work Andrea also enjoys the stimulus of scientific inquiry through creative tools. She is currently engaged in the JRC SciArt initiative, a transdisciplinary approach to tackling complex societal problems. She is originally from Colombia, but has been living in Europe for around 15 years.

The Science

In network science, the network's structure informs the system's behaviour. Complex systems are studied via the intricate wiring diagram generated by the relationship of their components: a network. The underlying assumption is that understanding and characterising this structure can lead to a better understanding of the system's behaviour.

This piece depicts intricate patterns formed by the superposition of plant branches, evoking a network and its structure. It was created by experimenting with a shadow tracing technique using watercolours and ink. The shadows of Sylvester flowers were cast across paper. These formed intricate patterns that were continuously changing because I was holding the paper in my hands and shaking was unavoidable. This caused small deviations from the original orientation. The shadows also changed as the direction and intensity of the wind kept the plants moving. The drawing thus represents how, as in complex systems, small actions have widespread effects.

Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license


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