Issue 2: Uncertainty

Autumn, 2020

Cover Artists: Louise Arnal & Oriana Chegwidden

Cover Artists: Louise Arnal & Oriana Chegwidden


Science is driven by uncertainty, its very existence relies on it. From the primordial soup of creation to the fundamental limits of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, science pursues uncertainty, it craves its potentials. Science is like a whale shark swimming in a sea of uncertainty; it knows it must keep swimming to survive, but doesn't know through what strange and invigorating substance it swims…

Editor’s Picks

Displaced by Eveline Pye

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle by Alicia Sometimes

Planetary Wobble by Rosie Garland

trajectory by débora Ewing


Arctic Breezes in May by Marjorie Moorhead

Butterflies by Nicholas J. Kinar

Daydream of a scientist by Tayyibah Tahier

Displaced by Eveline Pye

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle by Alicia Sometimes

Is there a place for me here? by Liz Wyman

Leap in the Dark by Hannah Scott

Our legacy, a test by Lisa Watkins

Planetary Wobble by Rosie Garland

Primordial Soup by Alan Wagstaff

Racing by Wiebke Scholz

The Classics by Bryan Field

the process by Ilan Kelman 

trajectory by débora Ewing

Uncertainty Matters by Patrick Corbett

Uncertainty of knowing by Wendy Lowe

Variant of Uncertain Significance by Cass Barrett

when i was in two bodies, halved by Peter Scalpello

Will it rain tomorrow? by Angélica Nardo Caseri

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